
Thursday, April 3, 2014

New Toys (one purchased and one homemade)

I got myself a new toy! I read about it on Mary's blog, Through Rose-coloured Trifocals. She wrote about a tool manufactured by Fiskars, a squeeze punch! You can read Mary's post here. I thought I would like to get myself a punch but there are no craft stores in my area so I started with Fiskars. They weren't available on the Canadian site so I called was told they could have one shipped from the US but it was going to be expensive. So I looked around a little more and found one on eBay for about one third of the price in stores! Even with the postage it worked out to be much less expensive. My squeeze punch arrived today and here it is on my work station which right now resembles Bikini Atoll! Yikes! Need to do something about that.....later!

I've tried it out and it works like a charm! The size is X-Large and the hexagons are 1". I believe the Large cuts 3/4" hexagons so I'll add that to my wish list of toys!

Somewhere I've got a red acrylic value finder. It is used to check the value of different fabrics. Value for a quilter is the relative lightness or darkness of one fabric to another. A medium blue next to a navy blue will look light and that same medium blue next to a light blue will look dark. It isn't always as easy to determine value when the fabrics are different colours so that's where the value finder comes in handy. The red neutralizes colour so all you see is the relative lightness or darkness. It's a handy little tool.....if you can find it which I can't. So what's a girl to do? I can't buy one but since there are no craft or quilting stores in my area so I thought I would make a value finder. I have some red cellophane and my handy dandy new squeeze punch. I took a piece of card stock and folded it in half and punched out a hexagon. Here it is opened up.

I used my glue stick to glue a piece of red cellophane in place. The final step was to place glue around the edges of the cellophane and all along the edges of the white card stock. I closed it and pressed to make sure the glue held.

And here it second new toy, a homemade value finder! If I lose this one I can just make another in no time flat!

I continue to work on the hexagon diamonds for my Godstone Grannies quilt. I've started piecing my second block. I particularly like this one which is a good thing because there are two of them! There are still more blocks to cut out so I am reluctant to put fabric and hexagon accouterments away because they might  go the way of  first value finder! So for now I'll just keep cutting!

Lastly don't forget to enter my one year anniversary giveaways! There are two prizes, a $30 gift certificate from Superior Threads and a package of two one yard cuts of fabric that is perfect for fussy cutting or broderie perse!

To enter simply leave a comment but there are easy ways to get extra entries. You can read all about it here. I will draw the names of the winners at 9:00 am EDT on Friday, April 4, 2014. Good luck everyone!

Until I post again, happy sewing!
Karen H


  1. Congratulations on your new Fiskars 1" punch. You can cut through 4 layers of freezer paper at a time with it. It does not like one layer! Is this the size for the Godstone Grannies?

  2. What a great Idea for a value finder. I will have to look for some red cellophane!

  3. What very pretty fabric Karen and a useful new toy. My pile of hexies hasn´t grown at all recently, must get sewing instead of embroidering.

  4. Great tools Karen! Thanks for showing how to make the value finder...could be handy sometime :)

  5. I have been wondering about buying those punches, i want circle ones as well as Hexies, but am worried they would aggrevate the arthritis at the base of my thumb. Clever you to develop your own "Ruby Beholder" , You could make another to keep in your purse for when you go fabric shopping. .. Loving the Godstones

  6. First time to your blog...going to get newsletter

  7. Great idea for a viewfinder. I have small punches for cutting circles but I hadn't noticed the hexagon one. Oh well, what's one more item on my wish

  8. ha ha I have the little one. that's how I made my tiny hexies for this project. then I bought the large one. the medium size in on my wish list too. I use card stock to punch my papers and reuse them. I works on freezer paper as well. JoAnns carries them in three sizes. Yes I am talking about the punch. never thought to make a value finder out of it! thanks for the idea

  9. Super Your friskas !what a great idea ! ! ! !
    I love Your diamond hexagon...

  10. Love your new toy I think Michaels craft stores sell them too. They are for scrapbooking. Love your new hexies.

  11. These new hexie hole punches are getting popular. Looks like I might need a new toy.....:)

  12. Glad to hear you were able to get a hold of one of the punches, Karen -- aren't they great!! Love the Godstone Grannies block!

  13. Karen, does the punch cut paper shapes or fabric ones?

  14. I've never seen the squeeze cutters before. It looks like a great idea. Thanks for sharing how you made your value finder. Very clever!

  15. Oh I do like your new toy, what a good idea, I may have to visit eBay too!

  16. I think I will have tp make a trip to the craft store. I like that new tool!,

  17. Love your simple value finder, I see a hunt for red cellophane in my future for my bag when I am out and about. At home I take a photo and convert it to black and white for the ultimate in value judgements.

  18. cool where did you get the red cellephane? I have heard about those punches too-think that is a nifty idea-off to check on that too
