
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sorry for the silence and two more GG Blocks

Sorry for the silence but I was knocked on my backside with a rotten cold. While I managed to do a little hand sewing most of my time has been spent sprawled on the couch with the cat (they make great hot water bottles!). I got a lot of snoozing done over the past two days, that's for sure!

Today I had wanted to do a detailed tutorial for my hexagon scissor fob/pincushion today but am not quite up to it so fingers crossed I can do it tomorrow!

For now I'll just share some pictures of my Godstone Grannies (GG) coverlet blocks. Each of these blocks is one of a matching pair.

I think that this is one of my favourite blocks! I love the stripes in the outer border and the fussy cuts in the center and at the points. This is yet another block that I think would be great stitched in multiples and then sewn together with a path to make a quilt!

Every time I have a spare bit of thread on my needle I use it to baste the hexagons that will be used for the path and I am pleased to say they are all basted now and many of them are stitched together and ready to be attached to the blocks. I'll start working on them tonight while I watch TV!

That's it for today so until I post again, stay healthy and happy sewing!
Karen H


  1. Feel better Karen! I like that last block a lot too.

  2. Those are some amazing blocks Karen. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Colds are such horrible things.
    Your blocks are lovely as always.

  4. take it easy for a cople of days, Colds are revolting. Your GG blocks look fabulous , the last one in particular

  5. don't worry about us-take care of You-hugs

  6. Yes, don't you worry about us, just get better. And look at you - still got some work done - you're amazing!

  7. Beautiful blocks and sorry that you aren't feeling well. Rest up and take care.
    Hugs Bunny

  8. Beautiful blocks Karen. Keep on getting well. Looking forward to the tute. Take care!

  9. Even with their claws, cats are the best hot water bottles. I'm amazed that even though you're sick, you're still progressing and doing a blog posting. That's devotion.
