
Friday, July 25, 2014

Value Proposition - Block 8

Welcome to Block 8 in my Value Proposition Quilt Along (QAL). In this installment I have something very special for you, one of my absolute favourite blocks! My intent with this QAL was to get you to think about value which is the relative lightness or darkness of one fabric when compared to another. Where a Value Proposition Map shows "light" it simply means that the lightest fabric will be placed in that location. In this block my "lights" are darker than cream or ecru however they are still lighter than the medium and dark patches. So where you see "light" on the Map you goal is to have it lighter than the mediums and dark! You can change the look of your block depending on where your light falls in the value range! Have fun and experiment!

Value Proposition Map for Block 8

Value Proposition Recipe for Block 8
  • Cut 18 Light identified as A on Map (6 for Round 2 and 12 for Round 3)
  • Cut 7 Medium identified as B on Map (1 for Center* and 6 for Round 1)
  • Cut 12 Dark identified as C on Map (6 for Round 2 and 6 for Round 3)
* A fussy cut medium fabric would be great for the center.

My Value Proposition Block

I fussy cut the Center and used a single fabric for the balance of Round 1 (B on the Map). 

The 6 Darks (C on the Map) in Round 3 are cut from one fabric. In Round 2 there are also 6 Darks cut from two different fabrics (C on the Map). I cut four from one fabric (they have little dots in the middle) and two from the other fabric. To balance the block I placed these two darks on opposite spokes. It gives a planned and balanced appearance to the block.

The light hexagons (A) are made from scraps. I think that using scraps in this way adds a certain richness to the block and a great deal of visual interest however you can use a single light fabric for all A hexagons! In so doing the block will have a more "elegant" look and feel. 

Whatever you decide to do have fun and experiment with your scraps and value!

I set up a Value Proposition QAL page on Flickr so that you can post pictures of your blocks and also see what others are doing! There are many very different and exciting blocks to see so do drop by and if you have time leave a comment if you see something you like!

If you are looking for previous Block installments of my Value Proposition QAL you will find all of the links under the tab Quilt Alongs by Karen H just under the banner. Enjoy making Block 8. Block 9 will be available on August 9, 2014. We are going to do something a little different with this block! 

I hope you are enjoying this QAL! If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment or send me an email. I send an email response to every comment so if you don't hear from me it means you are a no-reply blogger and I have no way of contacting you unless you send me your email address.

Until I post again, happy sewing!

Karen H


  1. not with my fabric until tomorrow but can't wait to set this one up

  2. Thanks for another wonderful block Karen.

  3. Another lovely one! As always, I am already mentally picking out fabric!

  4. I just finished the last one last night so I am looking forward to picking out new fabrics later today! We are getting quite a pile of blocks now! Love it!

  5. Ciao Karen, sono Silvana e ogni tanto ti scrivo.... Intanto complimenti per questo blocco, ma come già ti avevo scritto preferisco aspettare fino all'ultimo per poter realizzare questa trapunta. Oggi ti scrivo anche per chiederti un consiglio (se puoi e vuoi darmelo). Sto realizzando un giardino della nonna per una bimba che deve nascere a novembre. Ho già acquistato tutti i tessuti (penso) in varie tonalità di rosa, un fucsia e un verde e, per il fondo un bianco latte con dei fiorellini piccolissimi tono su tono. Vorrei realizzare il giardino della nonna classico e cioè i fiori con un solo percorso. Cosa ne pensi? Intanto io taglio esagoni di carta e rivesto di tessuto.... Chissà quanti ne occorreranno.
    Ciao e un grazie grande grande Silvana Italia!!!!!!

  6. I've also started "mentally" picking out fabric on this one. It's on my "to do" list and, even more importantly, my bucket list.
