
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fruits and flowers

I'm zooming along with the Gardens of a King pattern testing. Three more applique blocks are finished and ready to be appliqued to the border fabric! I've cut out the fourth and final corner block for the border too!

The first applique block is a saffron crocus. I embroidered the roots and added a green butterfly.

The cherries block has a little ladybug on a leaf. 

The pears have little brown bits embroidered at the base of the fruit and a bee has been added.

There are a couple to go and then they can be appliqued to the border fabric. Then I have to make sixteen four pointed stars to applique between the framed fruit and flower applique blocks. All I can say is yahoo - the end is in sight! I've enjoyed testing the pattern for Missie but I'm really eager to finish a project or two and maybe start a project or two! If you want more information about the pattern it is available from Traditional Primitives.

Tomorrow I'll publish the patterns for the side setting blocks in the Value Proposition Hexagon Quilt Along and the following Friday will be the 18th and final block pattern. Time has just flown by and I'm starting to think about another quilt along for 2015. I've got a few ideas fermenting but would love to hear from you. Are you interested in another quilt along and if so what would you like to see - hexagons, piecing, applique, foundation piecing or a mish mash of techniques? I reply to every comment so if you don't hear back from me it means that you are a no reply blogger.

Time to run so until tomorrow, happy sewing!
Karen H


  1. Hi Karen
    I just purchased my Garden of the Kings pattern from Missie - ; )
    Your blocks are stunning.
    Please do another Sew-a-long next year! I know I have enjoyed it so much and it looks like other folk have too judging by the gorgeous blocks I have seen. I vote for EPP and perhaps appliqué somewhere too. Mish mash would work too. Anything you do will be great!

  2. I know that feeling - enjoying a project but looking forward to the next! These blocks are beautiful - love the little touches you have added. I'd love another sewalong next year but really need to finish Soupcon first!! I['d love to see what ideas you come up with!!

  3. Oh Girl! What about Love Entwined, 81, King George Garden and all the rest of my unfinished projects? Another Sewalong sure, why not!

  4. Sew a longs are always fun. Would love something that includes applique

  5. your work is so beautiful Karen-love coming to visit. I would enjoy more techniques on applique and mish mash is always fun too-

  6. Everything is so beautiful and your details are amazing! Stunning!

  7. Pretty blocks Karen with lots of small details. Unusual colours which you seem to mix and match so well.

  8. These are absolutely gorgeous and I love the bits of "you" added for a kick of whimsy and personality. So wonderful.

  9. I broke down and bought the pattern from Missie. I have so enjoyed seeing the blocks being constructed on your blog & would like to try the starch technique. It is always fun to try new things (sometimes they become part of my routine!!). I need to dig into the scraps and try this.
