
Saturday, January 24, 2015

GROW YOUR BLOG & a Giveaway!!!!

January 25 is GROW YOUR BLOG day. A big thanks to Vicki of 2 Bags Full (and her band of volunteers) for organizing the event. You will find a complete listing of participating blogs in Vicki's January 25 post. It is a wonderful way to meet new people and to discover new and interesting blogs many of which have giveaways. I have a giveaway so keep reading to find out more!

My name is Karen H and I am a Canadian quilt maker. I blog because I want to share what I do an how I do it. I try to keep my blog posts informative and have set up several pages that contain tutorials, instructions on English paper piecing and free patterns! One of the patterns is Cherry Blossom!

Cherry Blossom by Karen H 2013

I love all sorts of quilting styles and techniques. I've made traditional, applique,modern and improv quilts. To get an idea of what I do you can visit my Quilt Gallery to see some of my quilts. I think what makes my quilts different is that I like to add little details. For example a little bit of fussy cutting goes a long way! Take this block is very pretty but it needs a little something just to spice it up a little!

I cut some circles from a print and appliqued them to the bases of the fleurs de lis and while it is a small thing I think it has a big impact!

Here's a close-up!

My quilt Flora and Fauna, Parts of The Garden is another example of what I do! I've combined broderie perse with embroidery to create one of my favourite small quilts. It was made during a Guild Challenge; I was given three fabrics and I was permitted to add another six. You can read about my quilt and see more close-ups here.

Flora and Fauna Parts of The Garden by Karen H 2008

The technique that I keep coming back to over and over again is English paper piecing and my favourite shape to work with is a hexagon. If you love hexagons you've come to the right place! You will find complete instructions under the tab English Paper Piecing Instructions and Hexagon Fun at the top of the page. You will also find tutorials for a technique I developed more than 15 years ago. It is a fast and easy way to make spectacular hexagon blocks. I've published many posts and tutorials about this technique and you will find them under the tab English Paper Piecing Instructions and Hexagon Fun.

My quilt There's a Snail in Grandma's Flower Garden combines my love of hexagons and fussy cutting with embroidered details!

There's a Snail in Grandma's Flower Garden by Karen H 2004

In the past year I've worked on and completed several projects including my Value Proposition Quilt Along. The focus was on value (the relative lightness or darkness of a fabric when compare to another). The quilt is made of 18 full blocks and 4 half blocks. You will find links to all of the free patterns under the tab Quilt Alongs by Karen H. This quilt is still needing its border so that project is on my "to do" list!

Value Proposition by Karen H 2014

I recently finished piecing my quilt Lozagons. It is a reproduction of an antique quilt that I saw on a Lorraine's blog Granny Loz. You can see the original quilt here. I ran out of turquoise fabric and that colour was discontinued so I had to use a second which is slightly different. You can see it in the middle of the top and bottom edges of the quilt. I've ordered more of the darker blue and plan to add a nice wide border all around the quilt.

Lozagons by Karen H 2015

I was asked to test a pattern for Missie Carpenter of Traditional Primitives. It is her interpretation of the King George II coverlet. Missie's pattern is called Gardens of a King and it is now available for sale on her site. It was a very interesting experience testing the pattern. This is my version of her pattern.

Gardens of a King by Karen H 2014

The 6" blocks are made using English paper piecing. It makes for perfect points on even the tiniest of pieces!

I also enjoy other techniques including traditional piecing. I've posted pictures of some of my finished quilts in my Gallery of Completed Quilts. You will also find some free patterns under the tab Patterns by Karen H. One of the free patterns is for this quilt which I call 81 The Giant Monstrosity (it turned out much bigger than I had expected)!

81 The Giant Monstrosity by Karen H 2014

And now for the giveaway! This pile of goodies will go to one lucky person. The package includes 3 fat quarters, 3 spools of cotton thread in neutral colours, marking tape and a scissor fob pincushion made by yours truly!

To enter the draw simply leave a comment. I reply to every comment so if you don't hear back from me it means you are a no-reply blogger and I cannot enter you in the draw because I have no way to contact you (unless you provide your email address in the comment). I will draw the name of the lucky winner on February 15! Good luck people!

Thanks for dropping by for a visit! Until I post again, happy sewing!
Karen H


  1. Wow! Your quilts are beautiful!! I've never tried English paper piecing but it is something I'd love to try!! Thanks for sharing in the hop!!

  2. Your quilts are beautiful. I have never tried paper piecing.

  3. The fleur-de-lis is a perfect touch for the applique block.

  4. As always love your work.
    Can't wait till I see how your new quilt will look.
    Well I better get back to work on my Quilts.

  5. I find your work inspiring as I love English paper piecing. Thank you for the great tutorials and wonderful tips.

  6. I've been following your blog for a while and I've always admired your hexagon designs, Karen. Love that little pincushion!

  7. your work is so gorgeous Karen, I was so happy to meet you last year at another blog event. hugs

  8. I just love all your work! Just lovely as always. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Your work is fantastic; I love it! I have been following your blog for quite some time, and you give lots of inspiration.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Love your quilts! Your hand work is absolutely fabulous and a joy to see.:)

  11. Happy blog party day! Ye gads, but your quilts are STUNNING! I'm SO impressed! I've never quilted, but I have reasons to try it this year - I'll be back for your hints and tips...and just to drool over your designs. Great intro post - best wishes, Shroo :)xx

  12. what people don't know about you, is that you are so generous with your tutorials, your support and encouragement of other quilters and your endless patience in answering questions!!

  13. What great quilts - really inspiring

  14. Dear Karen,
    thank you for your introduction. You have made so many beautiful quilts. I do admire your craftsmenship.

  15. Hello Karen. Since a few months I follow your blog. I like the way you use the hexagon. Thanks for sharing your patterns. I wish you good luck. Greetings from the Netherlands, Dientje.

  16. Wow your quilting skills are amazing. I've enjoyed reading your post too. Thanks for a great giveaway. I've also shared your giveaway on my Giveaway List for sewers & quilters at Thanks again (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

  17. Your blog is one that I so enjoy seeing, always a feast for the eyes and with hints and tips that never in a gazillions years would I think of!
    Those additional little details you add in simply add fun and feeling to your already stunning stitching.
    Enjoy the BYG !

  18. Your skills are amazing! I am a beginner at quilting, having just purchased my first sewing machine this past year and taking a couple classes at my local quilt shop. I have never tried paper piecing but hope to someday.

  19. I have been enjoying your blog quit awhile now via email subscription. I always look forward to seeing what you are creating!

  20. What a lovely blog! I'm a new follower. I hope you will pop over to my blog and take a peek
    I look forward to following you and your creative talents!

  21. Beautiful Blog and such talen you share with us. Thank you.

  22. These quilts are beautiful. The Giant Monstrosity is AMAZING!!

  23. All I can say is WOW your quilts are absolutely gorgeous!!!!!

  24. Sorry email is

  25. Your work is stunning! I have started working on hexies but find it doesn't interest me as much as applique, I will however keep stitching away at them and make a mini wall hanging. Might be finished in years and years. I like the Snail, anything snail, it's what my last name translates to.
    I am trying to GYB. Where is the list so I can help others Grow?

  26. I just discovered your blog and WOW, you do incredible work! I look forward to seeing more of your creations!

  27. Love your quilts, Karen. Your imagination and creativity are awesome. Thanks so much for sharing.

  28. I have popped by as part of the Grow Your Blog hop and as your post contains quilts with both mushrooms and hexagons I have just had to follow you as they are two of my most favourite things! I look forward to popping back again soon. Have a great day. Sunshine Girl - Grow Your Blog Section 24.

  29. Welcome to the Grow Your Blog Party! I am one of Vicki's volunteers and wanted to stop by and share how excited she is that you joined the party. I've enjoyed my visit here and am mostly a "by the design" quilter. It's very interesting how by just adding that circle made such a difference. I must get out of my box and try something bold like that. LOL Thank you for joining in and hope you find lots of new blogs and new friends. Your work is beautiful! Gloria

  30. I like your owl quilt in your gallery.

  31. I loved all the quilts listed and hope I can do it someday.

  32. I just had a quick look in your Gallery .Wow oh Wow you sure have a beautiful collection of quilts.i have done a few Tablerunners in EPP ,and did enjoy it very much .You inspire me to get back to it.

  33. Oh my goodness these are just brilliant! I am visiting from grow your blog party.

  34. Karen I'm so very happy we met at last years GYB event. And even though I don't comment as often as I should, I always enjoy my visits and continue to find such wonderful inspiration from your blog! (I need to dig my hexi's out again!!) Enjoy the hop! V:)

  35. Hope I am the lucky one. I love the scissor fob pincushion. I love to make and giveaway pin cushions.

  36. I am loving all of your quilts - I particularly like the color palette you work with.

    Dropped by from GYB.

  37. Really enjoy seeing all you EPP projects!

  38. Fun to see all your beautiful projects! I can't wait to see what 2015 brings!

  39. Thanks for your "quilt show". They are gorgeous. And thanks for your blog, I look forward to each of your posts.

  40. Looooove your blog! & Quilts! & Just poppin' over to check what you are up too! Like visiting a Special Friend for tea! :)

    I won a scissors fob last year! LOVE it to pieces! would love to win your Drawing, and have another fob! ( I do have many pairs of lonely scissors

  41. Your quilts are awesome. I love making quilts but nothing as detailed or as beautiful as yours. Thanks for the chance.

  42. Beautiful quilts. I have never done an EPP project.

  43. Value Proposition is a stunning quilt. I love Hexagons.

  44. Lovely to meet you - your quilts are stunning!

  45. Wow your quilts are awesome!! I ama quilter also and live in eastern SD:)

  46. Always a pleasure to visit and see your beautiful work , I love what you do with fussy cut fabrics !

  47. I love and follow you regularly. This is such a treat to be able to join this party and be introduced to more blogs of creative people. I'm very new to blogging so this is a learning experience. Thank you for the opportunity to win a gift too.

  48. Your quilts are beautiful; I especially like how you've added so much variety in the flora and fauna quilt. I've never tried broderie persé, but now you've got me interested! I've subscribed to your blog by email; I'm looking forward to seeing how these wonderful projects develop.

  49. Started following by email. Your quilts are beautiful.

  50. I am a long time follower via bloglovin; but want to tell you that I really love your blog; and thanks for the chance to win. Hope you get lots of followers.

  51. What a lovely trip down memory lane to re-visit your masterful quilts. Thank you so much for your generous blog I am really enjoying making your Value Proposition Quilt. I would love to win the cute scissor fob.

  52. We met at last year's GYB party. You never cease to amaze me with your beautifully detailed quilts.

  53. Hi Karen, thanks for the kind words on Flickr about Rosette 1 and on my blog! I love your work, but want a new follower to win your giveaway - so don't include me please. You have taught me so much through your blog and inspired me to try new things. Thank you.

  54. Hi Karen; Thank you for coming to the GYB party and introducing me to your fabulous quilting. I've never seen anything like it. I've been so caught up in jewelry making that I've pretty much ignored other crafts but thanks to you I will pay more attention to quilting. From what I can see you're probably in the upper echelons of the quilting world. The details and craftmanship is phenomenal.I will be following you and your art from now on.

  55. Oh my - already 55 comments - doesn't that say it all?! Your work is just outstanding and you are always so generous with sharing your methods and knowledge - amazing!

  56. Thanks for all your tutorials and pictures of the wonderful things you do. Heard I'm a no reply blogger, but I don't have a blog! Crazy world of computers.

  57. Oh I'm lucky 59 commenting! Karen this review of the many quilts of yours is fantastic. I love your Cherry Blossom Quilt pattern and actually printed it out when I found your blog last year. I'd be honored to win a scissor fob made by you.

  58. OMG, I have to get on a plane and humble myself at your door. Gosh, you've got some very, very beautiful quilts here and you've got so many great tutes on your blog. I just have to get started one of them at least.
    Thank you for this giveaway. I love your work!!

  59. Wow, I love the details you have created. You have made some very beautiful quilts.

  60. I have so enjoyed following your blog, your quilts are so interesting and I enjoy watching your process. thanks for sharing.

  61. Hi Karen! What gorgeous work you do! I have not tried English paper piecing, but am encouraged to give it a go now that I've seen your star block.

  62. Your quilts are breathtaking! I'm glad I found your blog.

  63. I loove all of those quilts! I started a colourful tumbling blocks EPP quilt about a year ago, and I think I'm halfway done now. I like the idea of how much time and effort and care that goes into every quilt that is made. Quilts are so lovely.

  64. I loove all of those quilts! I started a colourful tumbling blocks EPP quilt about a year ago, and I think I'm halfway done now. I like the idea of how much time and effort and care that goes into every quilt that is made. Quilts are so lovely.

  65. What an amazing eye for detail you have!

    t_ktl at

  66. I love seeing all your quilts. The big piece of gorgeousness is amazing. It must have taken years......
    Thanks for a chance at your goodies

  67. Oh my goodness, this post is just dripping with heart racing sumptuousness. I am drooling at the mouth at the sight of all these beauties. I'm in hexie heaven! Quite simply sublime!

  68. Your work is simply stunning. Thanks for the giveaway.

  69. Last year's Soupçon Hexagon Quilt Along was my introduction to your blog. I had never touched EPP and found the ubiquitous Grandmother's Flower Garden boring but when I saw your work and your most excellent tutorials, I didn't wait to begin papering and piecing. Thank you for the inspiration.

  70. You do beautiful work, but so far no hexagons for me, maybe next year. Thanks for the giveaway.

  71. I've been a follower for quite some time and your quilts always amaze me. You do such wonderful work and are so talented.

  72. Your quilts are absolutely stunning... such detail and intricacy. They must take hours and hours to complete.

    Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.

  73. Enjoy your blog, always filled with great design and sewing infomation. I started cutting hexagons from some old squares out of my grandmothers stash that I inherited. I am slowly piecing them together so your blog is an inspiration to me and a source of ideas. Thanks for the giveaway.

  74. As you already know - I'm a hexie-aholic so I simply adore your hexie quilts but the others are just as stunning. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  75. Your quilts are magnificent! Wow.
    Happy to have a chance to win your great little giveaway!

  76. I have been following you for a couple of yrs now and I love your blog and all the inspiration on here. I am actually going to make my rendition of your 81 Giant Monstrosity quilt this coming year. I am gathering fabrics now. Thank you for a lovely giveaway and have a blessed day.

  77. Just stumbled across your blog today, your quilts are beautiful and look very labor intensive. I'm a newbie quilter and not sure i am ready to tackle paper piecing yet. My hubby might like it so that I wouldn't disappear to my "sewing room" and leave him by his lonesome. Can't wait to see what's next.

  78. Hi Karen I love coming to your blog to see what you're up to. I love your quilts but especially the one that you call the Giant Monstrosity. There is a lot of work in that one. I saw your recent post about the Millefiori QAL. I have a center and am trying to figure out the rest. I understand your love of hexagons, and I'm right there with you.

  79. Your work is gorgeous. I looked through your tutorials and they are great too, I especially like your binding tutorial. I am a new follower via email. Have a great day!

  80. Your body of work is so gorgeous. Have you ever thought of having a gallery show. Think it would go over well. Thanks for the chance, Karen!

  81. Hi. Thank you for the chance to win.. Though I've been sewing for a very long time, I'm new to quilting.

  82. Dear Karen ! I would love to hop in the give-away-pot! Thank youmfor the chance. I really love your work!
    Ha en fin dag!

  83. You have the most meticulous piecing here! I'm in awe. Much more of an improvisational piecing style, I do wander over into your style occasionally, and appreciate your sense of detail. You have left a legacy of your work.

    Alas, I found you through GYB, and am thrilled to follow you.


  84. What a lovely overview of your work, Karen!! I'm a big fan!!

  85. Beautiful work you have done, thank you for sharing! I am not inspired, I am new to sewing and just love seeing the accomplishments of others.

    1. I meant I am *now* inspired. :) Not NOT inspired. Really really lovely work.

    2. Love everything you create. Your ability to bring fabrics together to create such beautiful quilts amazes me. Thank you for sharing. Hope I win the give away so I can have your creation: scissor fob. Darling.

  86. Wow! Your work is so detailed!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  87. Wow! Your work is so detailed!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  88. Love your quilts especially your hexies - so cute!

  89. Hi Karen as you know I am a big fan of your blog and your quilts. I have decided that I should use up my growing pile of scraps and am going to try a Lazy Punk quilt. See you soon. I will try and fix my no reply blogger, but you know how to reach me if I am the lucky winner of your giveaway.

  90. WOW. I am in awe of your quilts.

  91. I love that blue and red hexie with the star in the center. Very pretty! That little pin cushion is adorable, thanks for the chance to win! You've got some very detailed quilts. Nice work!

  92. You are such a talented quilter, love your work :)

  93. What a lovely giveaway! :) Hope I win.

  94. Your work is beautiful. Love those hexies. Thanks for the chance to win.

  95. Your quilts are so awesome! I love the hexie quilts. Thank you for your giveaway.

  96. I love all your quilts! The Monstrosity is beautiful but I know it was a lot of hard work! Thanks so much for the giveaway, I would love to try to make one!

  97. Hi Karen...visiting from GYB...I dont' do hexi's but I LOVE the little fairy/mushroom design you have pictured. WOuld love to make that! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Cheri, the quilting nanny

  98. Hi Karen! You have an amazing blog and your Hexie projects are to die for! I look forward to starting my very first Hexie project soon. Visiting via GYB today.

  99. I love your lozagons quilts. Its so pretty! I love hexies too, I like the flower shapes they can make.

  100. Thank you for the fun giveaway! msmissy02 at gmail dot com

  101. Your quilts are absolutely beautiful.
    Thanks for the chance to win...and good luck with your blog.

  102. Wow - you are very talented! I am glad I came across your blog. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  103. I have been following you for awhile and your quilts are just beautiful. I still am holding back from English paper piecing but like how they look very much.

  104. Your work is beautiful!! I cannot imagine making a quilt that big and intricate, it's amazing. I am a newbie, having only finished one baby quilt for my granddaughter. I do have about 4 more in progress (i think it's a requirement for crafters to have many WIP). :)

  105. Returning your visit, finally! Great blog, I can't believe how prolific you are! I love your piecing, although I'm not there yet, so my favourite is your gorgeous Garden one! Love it! Thanks for visiting my blog! I food yours with interest now too!

  106. Wow, your quilts are gorgeous! Visiting from GYB.

  107. Your work is beautiful! I would agree with you that the small circles on the fleur-da-lis block adds a lot of interest and makes it seem more complete! Thanks for the giveaway.

  108. Wow - hexxies galore! Lovely! I would love to make a Grandmother's Flower Garden someday but I don't know if I ever will. My maternal grandmother made at least one and how I wish I had been the lucky one to inherit it! Thank you for having us over for a visit.

  109. Your work is stunning. Wish I had half of your creativity. Thanks for all the inspiration and tutorials

  110. Visiting via GYB from St. John's, NL Canada. Your work is lovely. Enjoyed exploring around. Thanks for a chance to win. I, too, have a giveaway on my blog.

  111. Hi Karen, you know how much I love your work! I'm still plugging away; put it down for a while, but am going to get back into it.
    Thanks so much for doing this giveaway! Who can't use more quilty things?

  112. It's hard not to say "AWWWW" when I look through this run of beautiful quilts. So impressive and lovely.
    Thanks so very much for sharing your talents with us.
    Cheers from Oshawa, Ontario.

  113. A lovely post Karen, you really are a talented quiltmaker :-)

  114. OMG! I am in awe at all your beautiful quilts. I especially like the ones made of hexies. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway.

  115. I love the "monstrosity" but particularly think your "cherry blossom" quilt should be mine. I'll forward my address so you can send it in time for my birthday next month. Still working s l o w l y on my triple pathways for the quilt along. not giving up but also not making much progress.... maybe I should just quit my job.

  116. Hi, Karen! Thanks for the generous giveaway! Your quilts are amazing. I only just started to learn how to quilt. I hope to be able to do nature work like your cricket and mushrooms piece above.
    - afistfuloflemons @ gmail.

  117. I love EPP! I am a new quilter and your quilts are truly inspiring. Thanks for a chance to win.

  118. Those look like they took ages! Very nice work. Thank you for the chance!

  119. I have only tried paper piecing once. It is my longest running WIP mainly due to working on it only in warmer months while relaxing on our pontoon at the lake. I have to check out your tutorial and see if what tips I can pick up. Thanks for sharing.

  120. It is fun to know there is someone out there ( like me ), who looks at fabric to be a hexie design!!! I have learned sew much stopping by here. I always look forward to the next masterpiece being started & follow the journey to completion. I did end up getting a Juki machine like yours---just need to set up a table to try it out!!

  121. Lovely to look back on some of your older quilts. Thank you for your blog, it always makes my fingers itch to sew hexagons.

  122. Good Morning Karen! Your work is fabulous! I enjoyed reading your blog and viewing your beautiful quilts. thank you!

  123. Your quilts are beautiful! Thank you for the giveaway!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  124. THANKS for sharing your Blog+these neat quilts>beautiful !
    What a nice giveaway too!

  125. I am in awe of your beautiful work!

  126. You do such amazing work! I agree that just adding those little circles made quite a difference on that block!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  127. Your quilts are fabulous. I have just recently started a small quilt with EPP hexies. This is my first attempt and I am a little slow but picking up speed. So far I love it. Now following your blog to pick up pointers. Thanks.

  128. Oh my goodness, I'm thrilled to have found you!!! I've been perusing your blog and I must say that it is absolutely marvelous and most delightful!!! What a talent you are!! Your quilts are nothing short of stunning--they tell a story and I find them absolutely charming!!! Thank you so much for sharing your incredible talent and this generous giveaway!! You are most inspiring!! :)

  129. A wonderful summary of your quilts! Lovely to see them all in one place!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  130. Your quilts are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win, and much success growing your blog.

  131. Oh my, I am so happy to have found your blog today. EPP hexagons are my favourite thing to sew and I know I will enjoy looking through your Hexagon Fun page.

  132. Your intricate quilts are gorgeous. I love your fabric selections. thanks for the lovely giveaway chance.

  133. WOW! Your quilts are inspiring.

  134. Hi Karen, Love you site and have been enjoying it for some time. So far I have just done regular hexes no curves or anything. Oh I did some from 2 strips sewn together and enjoyed that. Thanks for the chance to win. My blog is:
    Happy quilting, Carol
