
Monday, August 24, 2015

I've been busy and more blocks

Phew! I've been busy, way too busy lately! I'll be teaching a workshop on English paper piecing in London, Ontario this fall. I've been putting together my course material and samples and wanted to test out the course so I ran a mini workshop on Saturday. I had a few samples on the table to help inspired and get the creative juices flowing. In no time flat I had the students sewing up a storm.

I was able to fine tune my workshop and it is ready to go. I won't share a picture of my class sample because if you've never done any English paper piecing you would be overwhelmed and think that you couldn't make it. However once I share my tips and techniques it is the easiest thing ever!

I've been on a couple of road trips to quilt shops - such a treat for someone who doesn't drive. I went to Sew Sisters in the west end of Toronto. She has a good selection of contemporary prints and wonderful pricing. There is always a room full of sale fabrics. I bought fabric.

I've also been to Quilt Junction in Waterford, Ontario.  This is a really lovely little store with a wonderful selection of the types of prints I love - old fashioned florals and Civil War type prints.The owner is Lana and she is very warm and welcoming. We talked briefly about the possibility of a workshop so if you live out that way and are interested sign up for the shop newsletter.  I bought fabric.

The third shop I visited was The Quilting Bee in Fonthill, Ontario. There is a huge selection of Civil War prints and floral prints. This shop is bright and airy and there is a large sale section in the loft. This is my second visit to this shop (I went last year to hear Edyta Sitar). I bought fabric.

I've been trying to work on my Brinton Hall quilt (from QuiltMania magazine) and have some hexagon rosettes stitched (these are 1" hexagons). Here are the first four. They must be appliqued to a background fabric.

The six outer hexagons are from a treasured piece of fabric sent to my be a friend in the US. It is a border print so careful cutting produced that narrow orange ring around the centre.

I love what can be done with chevron type prints. I chose to use a centre hexagon that resembles the outer fabric so that the entire unit appears to be cut from a single piece of fabric. What fun!

The centre of this rosette was made from the last scrap of the fabric used for the first rosette. Directional prints create such vibrant and lively blocks, don't you agree?

One final note is that I have had several of my patterns listed for free so if you haven't downloaded them yet now is the time to do so. As you know I've been moving them over to Craftsy and will start charging a small fee for at least two of the patterns starting in early September. Those patterns will be 81 The Giant Monstrosity and Baskets and Nine Patches.

81 The Giant Monstrosity

Baskets and Nine Patches

I've got lots more ideas and patterns in the works. As they are published I will make them available free of charge for a period of time so that all you lovely readers can download them. After that I'll move them over to my Craftsy store Faeries and Fibres

Today I think my day is free so I plan on getting some work done. My fingers are just itching to sew and sew they shall! Until I post again, happy sewing!

Karen H


  1. Hi Karen! Sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting all those lovely quilt shops. I hope you made a few delicious purchases! Love your hexie flowers for Brinton Hall. I can't imagine a better person to teach EPP. You have such a passion for it. I am sure all your students are going to fall head over heal in love with EPP!

  2. I'm really looking forward to your coming here to London, both for the trunk show, and the workshop! I like that very simple statement "I bought fabric". Your Monster 81 quilt is on my want-to-do list. I think I'll swap out the baskets for some Patchwork of the Crosses blocks I already have done. Sewing is on my to-do list today, too. Finish a project of my own, and then work on the free blog sampler for the guild.

  3. Wow, you have been busy. The hexie with the chevron print is really attention getting. Exciting news about the workshops and Craftsy!

  4. Hello Karen !
    How lucky you are to have so wonderful quilt shops in Canada ! Thank you for the links !
    Your hexies flowers are sooooo amazing ! Wow ! I have to make mine and I read with lot of attention your posts ! Very interesting !
    Your two quilts are both awesome !
    I wish you a nice day !
    Hugs !

  5. LOVE the chevron hexies!! This old hat can't wait to see your class sample!!!!

  6. Love the kitchen table samples, sounds like you are ready for your workshops. I know you will do well. Also love the hexagons for Brinton.

  7. Oh dear me there is nothing stopping you. "The Hexagon Queen" this is so exciting for you I just know you will have fun teaching. I used to teach some classes at my Dealers in Oakville and it was so much fun. Love your quilts I am trying to get a dent in my LE but have been too busy with company all summer.. My hexies are waiting for me too. Hugs Bunny

  8. PS are those hexies 1" across middle or 1" across top? They are gorgeous.
    Hugs Bunny

  9. Quilt shop road trips are always fun. I love the hexie flowers you shared ... and I'm really looking forward to seeing your class sample. A lot of hexie/EPP projects look so intimidating, but really they're all so easy ... it's just a matter of what goes where. ;-)

  10. Road trip fabric shopping sounds like a good time! Love your fussy cut hexies.

  11. Love your hexies! That striped one really caught my eye!

  12. Wow--the chevon flower is my favorite today--very cool! I'm glad you were able to visit some great shops and buy some fabric--lol!

  13. Good luck on your teaching engagements. Well done getting around the quilt shops, as you dont drive. I love # 81 the Monstrosity but it is dauntingly large and I am done with large quilts at the moment!
    Thank you for offering them free. You are a kind soul!

  14. Congrats Karen!! Your work is gorgeous and I'm actually getting to the point where I've got something to show with my hexie project.

  15. Here I thought the world had gone on vacation and I just realized I'm not getting any of the blog postings I'm subscribed too. Gotta love computers! The hexie flowers are gorgeous. You have such an amazing eye for colour/pattern combinations.

  16. Here I thought the world had gone on vacation and I just realized I'm not getting any of the blog postings I'm subscribed too. Gotta love computers! The hexie flowers are gorgeous. You have such an amazing eye for colour/pattern combinations.
