
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Cornucopia Part Deux (or two)

Today I've got more blocks to share with you and a second class sample... so it is Cornucopia part 2!

Let's get started with three more of my Mom's Africa quilt blocks.

Mom loves grandmas, children and chickens. This block has two of the three!

I love this elephant block. You can see she embroidered a little eye and the tail is not entirely stitched down so it can swish the flies away!

There are seventeen applique blocks in total and they will be alternated with blocks that are a variation of the drunkard's path block. She has used all sorts of scraps to make these blocks. The off white fabric with writing is a Christmas fabric! There is actually one block in the quilt that has that same fabric and right in the middle of the pie shape is "North Pole"! How funny is that I ask you? But it all works!

Mom has all of the blocks stitched together and I am going to quilt it for her. My goal is to have it finished in time for our next Guild meeting! I'm going to have to work my fingers to the bone to get it done in time.

For those of you who aren't familiar with my Mom (Anne) or her work here is a picture of her taken last year at our Guild's quilt show. She is standing in front of a collection of her African wall hangings. She received the third place ribbon in Viewers' Choice.

I've got two more Road 66 blocks. The design for this quilt is from Di Ford's book Primarily Quilts. I made this first block in the winter to try out the large hexagons. The outer ring of hexagons was made from a scrap of fabric and I was really pleased with how the block turned out.

I love the blue and red serpentine print fabric. I looked for a blue that was similar and used it in the middle. I wanted to create the effect of one large piece of fabric and I think that I succeeded!

The last piece I want to share is my second class sample. I will be teaching all of the techniques I used to make this piece at the London Friendship Quilters Guild next month (that's London, Canada). I sent off both samples and they were shared with the members at the last meeting. I hoped that they enjoyed seeing them and that they are inspired to take the class and create their own unique masterpiece!

For those of you who want a copy of my pattern 81 The Giant Monstrosity, now is the time to download a copy. It will be free for only another couple of days so get your copy here now!

I'm linking up with Angie over at Quilting Readers Garden. Pop on over for a visit. There's lots of inspiration plus Angie is running a giveaway! And don't forget to visit Esther's link up party WIPS on Wednesday; there's always lots to see there too!

That's it for today, It is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada so it is time to get cooking. Until I post again, happy sewing!

Karen H


  1. Amazing blocks from your Mom and congratulations to her for her third place ribbon ! The photo is soooo nice with her in front of her work ! Thank you for sharing Karen !
    Your hexies are beautiful as usual ..... And what can I say about your big quilt ??
    Awesome and thank you for the pattern on Craftsy !
    Happy Thanksgiving !!

  2. Can't wait to see your mom's quilt all together. She does great work. Fantastic designs in your pieced hexies. I especially love the snowflake that appears in the blue and red one.

  3. Love your mom's African quilt. Thank you so much for the monstrosity pattern, just downloaded it. I am not sure I will ever have the bottle to make it all, but each appliqué is magnificent. Love your posts, they are always so interesting and I've learned so much from your blog.

  4. Your Mom's blocks are so sweet! She does wonderful work. I love your blocks and your class sample. I am sure those ladies can't wait to start their hexie lessons with you.

  5. I quilt africani di tua madre bellissimi. Ma io sono innamorata dei tuoi esagoni....Ultimo con stella nel centro!!!!!!! Meraviglia!!!!
    Silvana Italia

  6. Hello Anne! (waves) your quilts are lovely and I especially love your little elephant!

  7. Your Mom is amazing say Hi to her for me. I love her work and your too.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  8. Hoping I am still trucking along with quilting when I reach your Mom's age!
    Love your Di Ford Hexies - such creativity and love the fabrics.

  9. More lovely blocks.....your Mom is totally unbelievable. I know where you get your talent from.

  10. Your mom's work is made with such love and care. It's always a joy to see it. I loved seeing a photo of her, as well. Your new blocks are absolutely gorgeous. I wish I lived close enough to take a class from you, in person. Thankfully, for those of us who don't you always offer such great information.

  11. Dear Karen,
    I know I have commented on your mother's blocks before, but they are just too adorable not to mention it again, and so are your Hexagon flowers.

  12. I enjoy seeing every one of your mother's Africa blocks. Very creative.

  13. Those broderie perse chickens are fantastic! Your mothers quilt is so creative. As for you fussy cutting you have gone over the top!

  14. Thanks for the shout out, Karen. Your mom's blocks are as special as she is. Love those. And you samples and rosettes are great too! Wish I could take one of your classes.

  15. Your mom's blocks are gorgeous :) I love them!

  16. Love the class sample, Karen!! I hope we both are cranking out amazing stuff when we are your Mom's age!!!
