
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Little gifts, more Grannies and the latest African quilt

Yesterday Dorothy left a comment and she asked what are Godstone Grannies (GG). Dorothy is new to my blog and she is a no-reply blogger so I couldn't email her directly. For those of you who are new to my blog I send an email reply to every comment.. So what is the Godstone Grannies (GG) quilt (or coverlet as it is described)? It is a quilt that was made by a group of women in the WI Denman College. I came across a picture of the quilt at the Quilt Museum and Gallery in York. The quilt was made in the early to mid 1960s. You can read my post about it here.
Godstone Grannies Coverlet, c1960-1965

 I've made three little gifts to go with the tote bag for my secret partner. She likes hexagons so I hope that these will tickle her fancy. On the left is a hardcover needle book. I used a pattern from The Studiolo which you can find here. On the far right is a tissue hold which I made from a tutorial on Melinda's Quilts Etc blog and you will find the instructions here. Both are super easy patterns, especially the tissue holder. If it takes you more than five minutes to make you probably took a coffee break! Really, it goes together that quickly!

 In the middle is a scissor fob/pincushion and it is my own design!

I fussy cut the elephant and a complementary fabric for the back of the fob and basted both to paper hexagons. Once stitched together and stuffed I embellished with beads. The fob has a looped cord so it can be attached to a pair of scissors. It sure makes finding the scissors easy when there's a mess on the table (not my table of course but someone else's messy table)! Or it can just be used as a mini pincushion. I think it is adorable! If anyone wants a detailed tutorial just leave me a comment and I'll work on it!

My Mom has another African quilt on the go. She has asked me to quilt it for her and of course I am happy to do that for her. Once quilted she will be adding the embellishments! Can't wait to see what she does but I know it will be interesting. I'll baste it up and quilt it. Fingers crossed I'll be able to show you the quilting later this week! The inspiration for this quilt was Allison Wilbur's quilt which she made for Quilt for Change. To find out more please go here!

Are you sick of seeing my Godstone Grannies (GG) blocks? Well the "to be stitched" pile is getting smaller and smaller so pretty soon I'l be showing you pictures of the GG blocks being stitched together into the quilt top! For now I've got two more blocks to share!

This is another GG filler block for the bottom edge of the quilt.

That's about it for today. Looks like I have some quilting to to so until I post again, happy sewing!
Karen H


  1. Love the scissor fob and can't wait to see GG all together. I wanted to let you know that a recent project had me stumped because my fabric had too much white in my fussy cut and not enough yellow. What to do? Ah, Karen always adds a little color with her fabric pens! Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. Hi Karen! I love the little extras you made for your swap partner. So pretty. The GG's are fabulous. Your Mom's African quilts are really good. I have to ask if you have ties to Africa? I was born in South Africa!

  3. oh wow your extras are amazing! love the little elephant the best-and Your Mom's African quilts are just so special

  4. I would like to see how you made the pin cushion and how you added the beads..
    Hope your thumb is feeling better.

  5. Dear Karen
    Your little presents are lovely, specially the elefant -pincusion and I don`t get enough from your GG, and I am thing about to do it maybe in the future.....
    Ha en fin dag!

  6. Wonderful présents..Your secret partner is really spoiled by you!!!!
    Your mom's quilt is lovely ! Poor thumb of yours! What happened to it ? ? ?

  7. Love those little gifts - great choice of fabrics and trims. Thanks for the tutorial links for them :)

  8. Those GGs are so pretty! I hope you're planning to get those Africa quilts of your mother's into a gallery - they are that good. Cute little gifts!

  9. Not tired of GG's yet!! You are just going through the pile so quickly. Fun to see the fabric combos develop into a block. It does have a 60's vibe to the fabrics----will be fun to see the pathway. Nice treats to go with the superb bag---another original design to drool over

  10. Smashing little scissor fob, almost too nice to use, maybe it would look cuter on the xmas tree!
    For some reason the last 2 pics on this post wont open, they just have a small red X in the top left corner. It must be my pc though since no one lese has mentioned it.
    I was all set to go to the Quilt Museum on sunday and checked before I set off for the opening times - and found it wasnt open sundays lol
    Going to try and go this saturday now, but if we can take pics I will try and take soem close ups. Any parts you were are particuarly interested ins eeing closer?
    Why does Mum like to make african inspired quilts especially then?
    I went to Kenya often with the RAF and even into the then, Rhodesia.
    I found them fascinating countries and had quite afew batik pieces that I had framed up but have long since given away....... what I could ahve done with the fabrics now! sighhh

  11. I agree with the rest. Love your grannies and your special gifts, especially the elephant fob... how do you add those beads??? tutorial needed Love reading your blog always

  12. Boy I am never sick of looking at your beautiful work. Those GG are gorgeous and it will be a beauty. Your Moms African quilts are amazing I am itching to do an art quilt again. I need my Mojo back LOL. In the meantime I am making hexagons.

  13. I am not a bit tired of your beautiful hand work. I am making a hexagon quilt but it is slow going so not much to show here. Actually mostly I am making baby quilts for three great grand babies to come this year.

  14. I'll be sick when you don't have any GG blocks, to share, but I'm sure I'll get over it when I see your next project (no pressure). Your mom's quilts are beautiful and it's so nice that you're working on them together. Your swap partner will love the gifts you've made, who wouldn't ?

  15. Thank you for your reply on what a GG is, didn't realize I showed as a not reply, not sure how to change that. But, love your parts and pieces, can't wait to see your finished GG quilt. (since I am now following on Bloglovin, should not miss it.)

  16. I really like the pincushion scissor fob. It would also be great for taking to a class or guild sew day. I would appreciate it if you could work up a more detailed description of the pattern. Thank you. The elephant looks cute centered on the pincushion.
