
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The African quilt is quilted and more GG blocks

Mom`s latest African quilt is now quilted and bound with a facing. The next step is the addition of the details and embellishments. Once she has finished her quilt I will take a picture and share it with you! The inspiration for this Mom's quilt was drawn from Allison Wilbur's quilt which she made for Quilt for Change. This organization deals with important issues related to women around the world and it works to raise awareness around the world. You can read more about Quilt for Change here. Also be sure to visit Allison's website where you can see the original quilt under the tab Quilt for Change.

Allison's artist's statement reads "At refugee camps like Iridimi in Western Chad, women who have been driven from their homes and villages by conflict leave the camps to seek firewood for their families.  As they venture farther and farther from the camp they become vulnerable to attack. This quilt shows a faceless woman symbolizing the universality of her plight yet the faces of her attackers hiding in the brush are not blank.  The men’s faces are not blank because those committing these crimes against women must not remain faceless.  They must be held accountable for their crimes.

Real peace and security are only possible when women are involved in the peace process, bringing their experiences and needs to the table.  Women need to be involved in local and national governments to help conflict from breaking out and to be involved in the peacekeeping process to be certain they are protected and their needs are considered.  One woman alone is vulnerable, when many women band together, their voices can be heard." Although she might not have put it as eloquently as Allison, my Mom does recognize the importance of women in changing the world. 

Many of you have asked if my Mom has a connection to Africa or African culture and the answer is no. She just likes to feature women children in her quilts and she loves the colours of Africa. She says she has an easier time making older, chubby ladies rather than svelte, young women!

More Godstone Grannies (GG) blocks are now stitched together and I am getting excited because it won`t be long until I can stitch the blocks together (and then start the next hexagon project). Lyn of Liniecat@Large will be going to the York Quilt Museum and she has offered to take pictures of the original quilt if she can. If she does I hope she'll post pictures on her blog so I can send you there to have a look at the quilt! For now you'll just have to be satisfied with two more of my GG blocks! By now you know that this block will be one of a pair of blocks.

And this triangular block is a filler block for the top edge!

There'll be no post tomorrow but I'll be back on Friday with the bonus Value Proposition filler block! And I'll plan to do a tutorial to explain how I made this little scissor fob/pincushion on the weekend!

Until then, happy sewing!
Karen H


  1. I see where you get your cleverness from; your Mum's quilt is looking great! It looks like you have managed to sort your thumb out - more stitching happening and I look forward to seeing the original GG quilt.

  2. I love how you've quilted your mom's quilt. I can't wait to see how she embellishes it. I'm also looking forward to the tutorial for the scissor fob. You already know how I feel about GG, so keep showing your progress.

  3. Love your mom's wonderful quilt and of course love every single thing you show or do! Always such a treat to visit here and take the time to enjoy all of the magical lovelies!

  4. Your mom's quilt is very nice and your quilting enhances it even more. Thanks for do a tut on the scissor fob. I really like it a lot.

  5. The quilting enhance the beauty of your mom's quilt ! ! ! ! !
    I love your GG blocks!!!! It's a real pleasure to see its évolution!!

  6. Beautiful African quilt. Love your quilting.
