Today is my blog's one year anniversary! A bunch of friends dropped by to help me celebrate!
It has been a busy, productive year for me. I've shared quilts, patterns, tips, techniques and my first ever quilt along (QAL), Soupcon! I've met many wonderful people that I wouldn't otherwise have met and blogging has allowed me to learn from others! But this is an anniversary party and what's a party without gifts? I've got some wonderful gifts that you could win!
As you know I love Superior Threads. To help me celebrate Superior Threads has very generously donated a $30 gift certificate as a giveaway for one of my blog readers! I would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to Bob Purcell at Superior Threads for this gift. The lucky winner can use it to purchase the Superior products of her choice! If you haven't tried them you are in for a treat!
This is not a paid advertisement! I am a fan of Superior Threads and when I quilt I always use The Bottom Line in my bobbin. It is a fine polyester thread with a gorgeous sheen. But it isn't just for the bobbin - I also love to quilt with it. I used The Bottom Line to quilt this little miniature which was donated to my Guild's Silent Auction last Spring.
I also used it to quilt Baskets and Nine Patches. I used a lovely neutral colour (Statue) for most of the quilting and in the centre of the large beige squares I used Gold. Cindy Needham highly recommended that colour in one of her online classes and so I thought I would try it out. It is a very lovely and versatile colour that adds richness to a quilt.
I just finished quilting Lazy Girl and I used So Fine! on top and am in love with it. It is soft, has a little sheen and it is fine so when I backtrack I don't get a heavy thread build-up. Best of all it is very affordable and a cone goes a very long way! I used Monopoly for my stitch in the ditch. Again, one cone goes a very, very long way so it is a great investment!
Kimono is a silk and it is another of my favourites not only for quilting but also for applique. It just disappears into the fabric! I've been using it in my Love Entwined quilt. That project has been set aside for a while and I should get back to it!
And I've got cones of Magnifico and Fantastico that will be used in some upcoming projects including 81, The Giant Monstrosity!
But wait - there's more! I've got a second giveaway. I love to add fussy cut patches to my quilts so I have a bundle of fabric that is perfect for fussy cutting! It includes two prints each measuring one yard! There are so many great bits for fussy cutting including the stripes! One lucky person will win both cuts.
So how do do you enter my giveaways? Simple! Just leave me a comment at the bottom of this post! Many of the comments I get are from no-reply bloggers. How do you know you are a no reply blogger? I answer every comment so if you don't hear from me you odds are that you are a no-reply blogger so be sure to add your email address to your comment. If you are a no-reply blogger and I don't have your email address you won't be entered in the draws. For three additional chances to win you can:
- Sign up for the Superior Threads newsletter here and leave me a comment to let me know. If you are already signed up just let me know in a comment.
- Follow my blog and leave me a comment to let me know how you are following. If you are already a follower let me know how in your comment.
- Mention my giveaway on your blog and leave me a comment with a link to your post for a fourth chance.
I'm a bit of a Neanderthal when it comes to computers so I'm going to select a winner the old fashioned way: each entry will go in a hat and I will draw the names of the winners at 9:00 am EDT on April 4th, 2014! Good luck everyone!
It was a very busy year for me; 300+ posts published, more than 80,000 page views and the odd ice storm complete with a multi-day power outage thrown. When the weather was good I shared pictures from my garden. This spider in the pink peonies last June is one of my favourites!
Along the way there were a few curios like my whisker collection.
Then there was Saturn Rock! It rocks!
I had fun with my stories about the critters in the garden such as the three part story about the zebras and Teetoo (Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3).
Zebra Fellow and Zebra Girl during the filming of
the adventure story from the garden
The snow is almost gone so the garden will start up again soon and I hope to have more picture for you! Maybe this week I'll see the first of the snowdrops! And of course there will be quilts - lots of quilts!
For all of you hexie lovers I've got another QAL planned with a start date in April and more quilts, tips, techniques and ideas to share! The next QAL is called Value Proposition and I hope you'll follow along with me!
Thank you to my followers old and new! Blogging has been so much fun for me and I hope you've enjoyed reading and sewing along with me over the past year! I appreciate that you take time from your busy schedules to read my blog and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the lovely comments. I'll try to keep my future posts fun, pretty and most importantly informative!
As always, until I post again happy sewing!
Karen H