Do you label your quilts? I do but I’ve heard stories of
quilts being stolen. A label can easily be removed and replaced (or not) so
what to do to indentify your work? I’ve quilted initials and date in the corner of quilts for my Mom
and I think I’m going to do it with all of my quilts. If I want it to be
innocuous I’ll use a thread colour to match the fabric and if I want it to be a
“trademark” I’ll do it with a contrasting colour. I'll continue to make lovely labels to stitch to the back but I'm also going to quilt my initials and the year. I’m going to add this to my “to
do” list and go back and quilt my initials and date on all of my quilts. I did this sample very quickly on my machine to give you a visual - think it would be really nice in red!

If you don't want to do that, why not hide your initials or name and date in stippling? It can be your little secret! This is a test piece of initials and date that I did for a quilt for my Mom. When I did it on the quilt I completed the A and the O.

There is nothing better than good customer service and
nothing worse than bad customer service. I was having problem with a thread from Superior Threads
and my Janome machines. I wasn't sure whether it was the thread or the machine so I email Superior and Janome and I explained the issue
and how I’ve tried to resolve it. I've heard not a peep from Janome – not even an
acknowledgement of receipt of my email! Superior Threads on the other hand emailed AND
phoned the very next business day. I spoke with Josh and he was more than
helpful. He walked me through the problem and made suggestions. He also said
Superior’s goal was to ensure that I am a happy customer. Josh was
going to be unavailable for the rest of the week so he gave me some contact
names at Superior so that if the problem wasn’t resolved I could speak with
them. He then followed up with another email and sent me some articles about
thread and tension. I was hooked on Superior Thread and its products before and now they just
cemented that relationship. I will sing their praises henceforth! As far as Janome goes.....I'll let you know if I get a response but I'm not holding my breath!
And now for a few more pictures of the embroidery in my Mom’s
quilt “Nostalgia”.
Floral Sampler
I'll try to get the whole story of the Nostalgia quilt this week and post it for your reading enjoyment!
I'll end with a close-up of a pretty little hexagon from my quilt "Hexagreens"!
Until I post again, happy sewing!
I read another blogger post last year - same issue with Janome. In that particular situation the sewer was instructed by Janome to send her machine to them at her own expense. They didn't provide any insight as to what the problem could have been or direct her to a local repairperson. Really bad customer service.