Saturday, April 19, 2014

Value Proposition Block 1 Update

Good morning everyone! It appears that my Block 1 instructions are confusing and for that I must apolgize. I've gone back and updated the Value Map by adding letters to the various values so that you can see what goes where. While my original intention was to publish only in black and white I think that perhaps it might be better to show you my blocks to help you out with fabric selections. I'll continue to provide Value Maps but moving forward I will also show you colour pictures of my blocks. So to get started I would like to share a colour picture of my Block 1. I chose to use several medium value fabrics. I could have used less by replace the brown striped hexagons with the brown that circles the middle blue hexagon.
Value Proposition Block 1

You can see parts of the path surrounding my block. On Friday, April 25, 2014 my post will be about cutting the path and constructing the path. You don't have to make the path (or even decide on the path fabric) but I will provide you with the instruction so that if you want to get started you can. If you prefer you could wait until all of the blocks are made to decide on a path. What I did was make the path as I went along and I attached it to my blocks as they were made but that is just how I work.

I did repeat bits and pieces of some fabrics in other blocks. I did this for two reasons: to use up leftover bits and to add some cohesiveness to the quilt. I find that repeating even a little bit of fabric in a few blocks will make the quilt look more pulled together. In particular I repeated many of the light fabrics in my blocks.

If you have questions please feel free to ask - I am more than happy to answer.

My work on Godstone Grannies continues. Here is my next block. If this looks familiar it is because many of the blocks are repeated so this is the second in the pair.

I was asked if I ever sleep and the answer is "yes". I get a lot done because I like to organize my projects and work on them in the most efficient way I can. If anyone is interested in how I do this I would be more than happy to dedicate a post to what I do and how I do it!

Today I'm going to get back to work on my friend's Chinese Coins quilt.  I've quilted swirly teardrop shapes in the coins. I like how it looks!

I think the border is just going to have to be something very simple because the border print is fairly busy and fancy quilting would be lost. Also there's plenty of quilting in the body of the quilt and I want it to be the star!

That's it for today. Until I post again, happy sewing!
Karen H


  1. Thanks for the color picture, Karen -- it helps -- the map wasn't confusing to me, the recipe was the confusing part for me because it didn't mention a "dark".

  2. Thank you so much for the clarifications! I think the addition of the letters was a great idea, as I suspect part of my confusion was that my monitor wasn't making the differences clear enough for me. With the letters and the updated recipe, I'm ready to get going on mine!

  3. I just love that Godstone Granny block.

  4. the colour value is so much more obvious in black and white - and greys! - yes I too like the granny block!

  5. Your blocks are fabulous Karen!!!! I dream of quilting like you ! ! ! ! Too great!
    Thanks for taking time to explain so clearily and answering to our questions!

  6. Thanks for the help on the values. I am pretty bad at it lol I added a photo to flicker. I will work on getting more hexagons made before I put it together.
    Love the quilting and your GG beautiful.

  7. Your quilting is beautiful Karen, those feathers look really good.

  8. just beautiful! Thank you so much for the help and information, always - the chinese coins quilt is just lovely - so beautiful!!

  9. I'm following carefully so I can give this quilt, a try, when I get a little ahead on my UFOs. I love the touch of blue and thanks for the detailed explanations.

  10. I am following your Value Proposition info closely; I think I want to do this quilt. I am a visual person, so thank you for the color pic.
    I, for one, would love to see a post on how you get so much done.
